xperience counter graphic
Replacement graphic for xperience counters. xperience backlit counters require a back graphic to prevent light spillage.
- xperience counter Total Graphic Area: 66.3"w x 39.3"h (includes endcaps)
- xperience backlit counter Total Graphic Area: 66.3"w x 39.3"h (includes endcaps)
- xperience backlit counter Total Graphic Area: 39.3"w x 39.3"h (back only)
To create your own graphics, click on the links below to download the artwork template file and design guide. For instructions on how to set up the product, click on the link below to download the setup instructions.
xperience counter
xperience counter Front Only Artwork Template
xperience counter Front and Endcaps Artwork Template
xperience counter Left and Right Endcap Artwork Template (Use Qty 2)
xperience backlit counter
xperience backlit counter Front Only Artwork Template
xperience backlit counter Left and Right Endcaps Artwork Template (Use Qty 2)